Dear Helena,
Marah Braye
Chief Executive Officer, Harbourfront Centre
Tenio Evangelista
President of the Board of Directors, Harbourfront Centre
are pleased to invite you and a guest to the opening reception of the Nordic Collaborations exhibitions: Animal Vegetable Mineral, Fuglakvæðið (The Bird Ballad) – Edward Fuglø and Eyes as Big as Plates. Part of our year-long cultural initiative Nordic Bridges, these exhibitions, led by Nordic and Canadian artists, will explore human nature’s relationship, connection and disassociation with the natural world around them.
The evening will also showcase new installations by Olivia Mae Sinclair, LAYERS, and Mary Anne Barkhouse, Animal Vegetable Mineral c. 1700s.
Nordic Collaborations
Wednesday, September 21, 2022 | 6pm
Light refreshments
Harbourfront Centre | 245
245 Queens Quay West, Toronto
Please RSVP to by Tuesday, September 20.