Gateway Drugs

I am very happy to be part of Gateway Drugs, a Punchbowl project shown at Hotel Wilshire, Los Angeles and at Velvet da Vinci, San Francisco.

Lust as Method

Workshop at Galeria Alice Floriano, August 26-28, 2016

Busy at work

Busy at work

Mirian, me, Katia & Anelise

Mirian, me, Katia & Anelise

Interviewed by Arts in Review, KALX radio (90.7 FM)

When I was in San Francisco in November 2015 for the exhibition at Velvet da Vinci I was invited to KALX radio (that broadcasts from the University of California in Berkeley) and their Arts in Review show. I was interviewed by Greg Scharpen and Svea Vikander about my work and the exhibition. Here is the 30 min recording from the live interview.

Review in Metalsmith Magazine

I am very happy to share with you the review of my work and the exhibition at Velvet da Vinci (Nov-Dec 2015), written by Anton Stuebner and recently published in Metalsmith Magazine.